I'm an assistant professor at the Paris School of Economics. My research is in economic theory and behavioral economics. Lately, I've been thinking about bounded rationality and belief formation in games. Here's my Curriculum Vitae. I am a co-organizer of the ROY theory seminar and the Paris Bounded Rationality Workshop. Contact: [email protected] |
Working Papers
(A)symmetric Quantal Response Equilibrium: Representation and Applications with Felix Mauersberger
New Draft! EC'22 extended abstract
Stochastic Choice and Noisy Beliefs in Games with Jeremy Ward
New Draft!
Psychological Mechanisms for Eliciting Choices and Beliefs with Suanna Oh and Duncan Webb
New Draft!
On the Fragility of Mediation: Theory and Experimental Evidence with Alessandra Casella and Manuel Perez Archila
Revise and Resubmit, JEEA 3D animation
Quantal Response Equilibrium with a Continuum of Types: Characterization and Nonparametric Identification with Duarte Goncalves
Revise and Resubmit, Games and Economic Behavior
The Cost of Capital of the Financial Sector with Tobias Adrian and Tyler Muir
Stochastic Equilibria: Noise in Actions or Beliefs?
AEJ: Micro (2022)
Endogenous Quantal Response Equilibrium
Games and Economic Behavior (2020)
Works in Progress
Incomplete Preferences and Preference for Flexibility with Marina Agranov, Mark Dean, Han Huynh, and Pietro Ortoleva
Range Effects in Multi-Attribute Choice: an Experiment with Tommaso Bondi, Dániel Csaba, and Salvatore Nunnari
Lying and Deception in Games: an Experiment with Bela Elmshauser and Yoon Joo Jo
Endogenous Strategic Uncertainty: Experimental Evidence with Duarte Goncalves and Teresa Esteban-Casanelles
(A)symmetric Quantal Response Equilibrium: Representation and Applications with Felix Mauersberger
New Draft! EC'22 extended abstract
Stochastic Choice and Noisy Beliefs in Games with Jeremy Ward
New Draft!
Psychological Mechanisms for Eliciting Choices and Beliefs with Suanna Oh and Duncan Webb
New Draft!
On the Fragility of Mediation: Theory and Experimental Evidence with Alessandra Casella and Manuel Perez Archila
Revise and Resubmit, JEEA 3D animation
Quantal Response Equilibrium with a Continuum of Types: Characterization and Nonparametric Identification with Duarte Goncalves
Revise and Resubmit, Games and Economic Behavior
The Cost of Capital of the Financial Sector with Tobias Adrian and Tyler Muir
Stochastic Equilibria: Noise in Actions or Beliefs?
AEJ: Micro (2022)
Endogenous Quantal Response Equilibrium
Games and Economic Behavior (2020)
Works in Progress
Incomplete Preferences and Preference for Flexibility with Marina Agranov, Mark Dean, Han Huynh, and Pietro Ortoleva
Range Effects in Multi-Attribute Choice: an Experiment with Tommaso Bondi, Dániel Csaba, and Salvatore Nunnari
Lying and Deception in Games: an Experiment with Bela Elmshauser and Yoon Joo Jo
Endogenous Strategic Uncertainty: Experimental Evidence with Duarte Goncalves and Teresa Esteban-Casanelles